EasyRetro Update 3

Hello everyone,
This is the third EasyRetro update post. I’m very pleased to share all the new features that were implemented in the last months.
Almost all features were based on feedback from our users, so please share what you think about the product. It’s very important for us to keep improving the product.
User profile
Now there’s a new page on the app called User Profile. To go to this page just click on the user logo on the top right of the screen. You can see your email, change your name, change your photo and subscribe or unsubscribe to our mailing list.
Any team member can create boards
We believe retrospectives should be democratic and anyone should be able to run one. So now any member of the team can create a retrospective and manage it. We think this will improve how teams collaborate and brainstorm together.
Improved invite members flow
We knew that the flow to invite members was one of less polished parts of the app. So we spent some time improving the content and behaviour of this important flow.
We created a new email that is sent to people that you invite. This email now has better content and new design. Also once the person logs in, it will join automatically your team and see a notification.
Board layout options
We now have a new option to display your board. We had previously the column option, now we also have a line by line view. This makes it easy to see all cards from one column at the same time, you don’t need to keep scrolling anymore.
Update payment details
Now after you subscribe it’s possible to change your payment details directly on the app. The new link is located on the billing section of the app.
Enterprise tier
In order to increase the options to our users, we added a third tier for enterprise. With this option you can now create and manage up to 6 teams/projects.
New animated logo
This was a small update to add a little bit of motion to our homepage. We added a new animated logo that keep changing colors.
Loading on buttons
Now buttons on login and register pages have a loading icon to show something is happening on the background.
Removed confusing trial messages
We remove all messages/buttons that contain Start Free Trial text on the dashboard and boards. This was causing confusion because users thought they need to subscribe to be able to use EasyRetro, but only the admin account need to subscribe.