25+ Funniest Agile Memes

Humor creates an atmosphere of levity and a sense of perspective that can dissolve tension and, in turn, protect us from stress at work and even benefit our health. Research suggests that people who engage in more conversational humor with colleagues feel happier and have higher job satisfaction.
25+ Funniest Agile Memes
With that being said, why not incorporate some humor in your day-to-day work using memes. People on the internet are obsessed with memes; you probably are too. They’re funny, witty, and most of all – they’re relatable.
We looked on the internet and collected 25+ Agile Memes you can use with your team during a Sprint. For example, after running a sprint session, you can ask team members to summarize how the Sprint went by sharing a meme.
Note: The meme doesn’t have to be agile-related. It can be a meme that they love and reflect their feelings about the Sprint.
Here are the 25+ Funny Agile Memes we found. Plus, we added some captions to make them even funnier.
Mordor ain’t got nothing! ☄️
We’ve all been there! 😱
On to the next one! 💪🏼✅
Send this to an AWESOME Scrum Master! 🥂
Did anyone get the mid-sprint feels? 💥🔥
I’m so proud of you all! 😭
Hello? Is there anyone out there? 👀
Who am I anymore! 😅
Can someone help me here? 🔬
You can’t blame agile if it wasn’t agile! 🤪
Imagine if you open the window and it’s a bit windy! 🌬🙃
Here we go! 😂🤣
The struggle is real folks! 🧐🔍
Some sprints are tougher than others! 💀
Nice try! 😉
I wonder if anyone will notice…. 😬🔥
So many times Lol! 😂
So it’s not just about daily scrums and sprint reviews?? 🤯
All the feels! 🤗
What else would you add? ☕
Say it ain’t so! 😕
We’ve all been there! 😄
We are so agile! We can change anything, anytime (told the CEO). 🦸
Everyone has a colleague who is an “agile expert“! 😉
Who else wants a treat? 😹
Do you know what I mean?? 😁
Did you hear that? 👂👂
Could you answer my questions please? 😺
The war is coming! ⚔️
I want to join this Retro ASAP! 🤣
Ready to incorporate some humor in your next sprint? Let us help you!
Click here to check our 200+ Sprint Retrospective Ideas and techniques you can use in your next sprint.