Bingo the Gamechanger Team building

What is this activity?

The slide features a retro style with pixel art graphics and classic IT symbols. It includes an agenda with sections for icebreaker game, sprint/project review, retrospective discussion, team building activities, action plan, and conclusion. There is also an image of Retrospective Bingo cards to encourage participants to jot down their observations and thoughts. The slide showcases planned team building activities, such as a retro-themed puzzle or trivia game. It also includes a SMART criteria-based action plan template. The retro style elements are used throughout the slide to enhance the theme. The slide concludes with a summary of results, thanks to the team, and reflection on the retrospective.

Recommended participants: 20

Duration: 90 minutes

Template created by: Céline - Template has been used 52 times

Bingo the Gamechanger Template

Teambildung und Retrospektive Bingo


Listen Sie die Agenda für die Retrospektive auf, um einen Überblick über den Ablauf zu geben. Beispielhafte Punkte könnten sein: Icebreaker-Spiel, Rückblick auf den Sprint/Projekt, Retrospektive-Diskussion, Aktivitäten zur Teambildung, Aktionsplan und Abschluss.

Retrospektives Bingo

Fügen Sie eine Abbildung von Retrospektive-Bingokarten hinzu, um zu visualisieren, wie die Teilnehmer ihre Beobachtungen und Gedanken während der Retrospektive auf den Karten notieren können.

Aktivitäten zur Teambildung

Zeigen Sie Bilder oder Beschreibungen von geplanten Aktivitäten zur Teambildung, wie z.B. ein gemeinsames Puzzle-Lösen im Retro-Stil oder ein Team-Trivial-Spiel mit IT-Retro-Fragen, um das Team enger zusammenzubringen.


Fügen Sie eine Vorlage für einen Aktionsplan hinzu, in der konkrete Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung festgehalten werden können. Betonen Sie die SMART-Kriterien für die Maßnahmen (spezifisch, messbar, erreichbar, relevant, zeitgebunden).


Schließen Sie die Folie mit einer Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse, einer Danksagung an das Team und einer kurzen Reflexion über die Retrospektive selbst ab

How to conduct this activity

Set the stage: Introduce the retro by explaining the purpose and goals, and set the expectations for participation. Icebreaker game: Start with an icebreaker game to energize the team and create a positive atmosphere. You can use a retro-themed game or any other team-building activity that encourages interaction and engagement. Sprint/Project review: Review the recent sprint or project, highlighting the successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Use visuals like charts or graphs to illustrate the progress. Retrospective discussion: Facilitate a discussion where team members share their thoughts, feedback, and observations on what went well, what could be improved, and any other insights. Encourage open and honest communication, and actively listen to everyone's input. Retrospective Bingo: Introduce the Retrospective Bingo cards and provide time for team members to fill them out with their observations and thoughts. This can be done individually or in pairs/small groups. Team building activities: Incorporate team building activities into the retro, using retro-themed puzzles, games, or other activities that foster collaboration, communication, and team bonding. Action plan: Guide the team in brainstorming and prioritizing concrete actions to address the identified areas for improvement. Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure the actions are actionable and realistic. Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed, express appreciation to the team for their participation, and reflect on the retro process itself. Capture the action items in the action plan template. Follow-up: After the retro, follow up on the action items and track progress in subsequent team meetings. Celebrate successes and continue to refine and improve the team's processes and dynamics based on the retro feedback.

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