An End of Year Retrospective Template Retrospective

What is this activity?

This year maybe has been difficult for many, so celebrate you made it to the end of the year! Use this time to reflect on the year that passed, and consider the possibilities of the year ahead of you. When you run this retrospective, make sure you: - Have enough time - Sit in a quiet space without interruptions - Turn off notifications on your phone, slack, or laptop - Have access to your calendar, journal, or other tools that you can mine for data - Consider playing relaxing or non-distracting music

Template created by: Patkua - Template has been used 98 times

An End of Year Retrospective Template Template

What happened during your year?

(e.g. “Moved house”, “Took part in a virtual panel”, or “Read Lord of the Rings for the 2nd time”.)

What does this year mean to you?

(e.g. What were 3 things you did for the first time? What 3 events/activities brought you extreme joy this year? What are 3 big accomplishments you reached this year?)

What could the next year mean for you?

(e.g. What are 3 habits from this year you should continue doing? Imagine yourself at the end of the next year (it’s a long time). What are 3 big accomplishments you finished that you are proud of?)

How to conduct this activity

With this retrospective template you and your team should reflect on: What happened during your year?: Go through your planning tools (e.g. personal and work calendars, to-do lists, journals, etc) and list any events or activities of significance to you. Capture these as if you were a neutral bystander. (e.g. “Moved house”, “Took part in a virtual panel”, or “Read Lord of the Rings for the 2nd time”.) What does this year mean to you?: Reflect on the events and activities of the past. (e.g. What were 3 things you did for the first time? What 3 events/activities brought you extreme joy this year? What are 3 big accomplishments you reached this year?) What could the next year mean for you?: You’ve looked at the past. Acknowledge what has passed. Now focus on the future. A new year is a new beginning. An opportunity to reset. An opportunity to refocus. Use this section to consider the year ahead of you. (e.g. What are 3 habits from this year you should continue doing? Imagine yourself at the end of the next year (it’s a long time). What are 3 big accomplishments you finished that you are proud of?)

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