The Mountain Climber Retro Retrospective

What is this activity?

Create the right setting for a new year retrospective with The Mountain Climber Retro. In every retrospective, it's important to set the right framework. Usually, retrospectives focus on the “sprint” as a reference period. We always use the whole year as a frame of reference. But if you prefer, you can of course simply paraphrase the questions so that they relate to a shorter period, for example, a quarter or a sprint.

Template created by: Echo Meter App - Template has been used 110 times

The Mountain Climber Retro Template


What are the milestones on our route this year?


What obstacles await us on our route before each of these milestones?


What preparations should we make/pack equipment in order to master all the milestones for the coming year in the best possible way?

How to conduct this activity

With this Retrospective Template you and your team will be able to reflect on: Milestones: What are the milestones on our route this year? Obstacles: What obstacles await us on our route before each of these milestones? Preparation: What preparations should we make/pack equipment in order to master all the milestones for the coming year in the best possible way?

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