Good Bad Better Best
Section is called "Good, bad, better, best"
Template created by: Giancarlo - Template has been used 1337 times
Good Bad Better Best Template
Went well
Went poorly
Improvement opportunities
Recognize outstanding results, performances, actions, people
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More Better Different Less
Go through each column in turn More, Better, Different, Less and then vote on them. - 0 uses
Hicimos Bien Mejorar Acción
Identificar qué cosas hemos estado haciendo bien, qué cosas tenemos por mejorar y hacer un plan de acción de cómo vamos a mejorar los puntos que identifiquemos. - 0 uses
Went Well - To Improve - Action Items
This technique is the most basic template you can use for your retrospective. It's very simple to use and understand. First, the team needs to brainstorm what went well in the previous sprint. After t...