Easy As Pie Retrospective

What is this activity?

Easy As Pie is a good retrospective activity to look for improvements, apologize for personal mistakes, present new ideas, and to recognize the good things. Humble Pie - Admit a wrong that occurred and apologize for the mistake. Shoo Fly Pie - Identify something negative that is hampering the team and that you want to remove. Cutie Pie - Submit an appreciation for someone or something. Pie in the Sky - Present an idea that may be ‘impossible’ – a stretch goal, fanciful idea, or plan. Easy As Pie – Recognize something that was simple and pleasurable that you believe the team should continue doing. Ask the participants to think about each slice of the pie, take notes on sticky notes(one idea or thought per sticky note), and then place them on the pie slice accordingly. Group conversation about the notes.

Template created by: ANA - Template has been used 62 times

Easy As Pie Template

Humble Pie

Admit a wrong that occurred and apologize for the mistake

Shoo Fly Pie

Identify something negative that is hampering the team and that you want to remove

Cutie Pie

Submit an appreciation for someone or something

Pie in the Sky

Present an idea that may be ‘impossible’ – a stretch goal, fanciful idea, or plan

Easy As Pie

Recognize something that was simple and pleasurable that you believe the team should continue doing

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