SWOT Analysis

When it comes to self-analyzing, there are a number of methods that a team can apply. Finding out issues and discussing solutions is a lengthy process that needs to involve multiple people from each aspect of the team. However, gathering all the information is not an easy task by any means, with multiple opinions required which might clash one another and contradict as well.

To make it easier for you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your team, there are multiple techniques of analysis. One of the better ones that caters to teams of all sizes is the SWOT analysis.

What is a SWOT Analysis?

The SWOT analysis is a powerful technique for judging an team's conditions and finding out the issues that it faces, along with the opportunities it has. The SWOT analysis is conducted as a study that is designed to gather four different aspects of the team and the project.


  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

Learning these four aspects is a good gauge on finding the current condition of the team while also figuring out where it is headed. Unlike an audit or a financial check into the team, a SWOT analysis is almost always conducted internally. It’s a technique that a team uses for itself.

A SWOT analysis can ben simple or short exercise. It’s an look into the team and covers most factors that is influencing the condition of the team at that point in time.

Strengths - You will need to look at what sets your team apart, with a look at its advantages.

Weaknesses - The SWOT analysis requires you to look at the areas that your team can improve in and the ones it lacks in.

Opportunities - opportunities the team can explore.

Threats - Threats that it faces from the current market conditions, internal departments, technical challenges, etc...

SWOT Analysis Examples


  • Team is working nice together
  • Good team relations
  • Fast delivery of stories


  • Need to improve our commitment to the company goals


  • We can influence outside teams about our way of working
  • Increase company revenue


  • Uncertainty about which technology to use
  • Not sure with API will be ready in time to be able to use it
swot analysis example

How to do a SWOT Analysis?

Carrying out a SWOT analysis of an team can be done via an internal body that interviews the people working there and gathers the information after each session, classifying the information into the appropriate sections. Multiple such interviews with the same group of people will have to be conducted for a strong and thorough analysis.

Online tools such as EasyRetro also offer teams to conduct a professional SWOT analysis that’s not based around the company itself. Running a single Retro on EasyRetro means that you conduct a single SWOT meeting and store the results of the session. The results are then reviewed at the start of the next Retro, being followed by a brainstorming session where the participants compile and write down their thoughts. The cards can then be merged with similar cards across the board, after which voting takes place on the merged card. Each participant gets 3 votes to select their choice picks for all categories. Finally, the cards with the most votes can be put up for review and actions can be discussed.

Why should you do a SWOT Analysis?

The SWOT analysis method has numerous immediate and long-term benefits, including:

  • Collecting feedback from every member
  • Creating action items to improve issues
  • Creating new possible pathways to successful projects
  • Strengthening relations between group members
  • Creating a comfortable environment where everyone can contribute

SWOT Analysis Template

You can create a free SWOT analysis template right now. You will also be able to export it to JPEG, PDF and spreadsheet formats in the end of the exercise.