Jira Integration

Discover how to enrich your workflow using EasyRetro's Jira Integration

Jira logo on EasyRetro Integrations

Plan, track, and manage your agile and software development projects in Jira. Customize your workflow, collaborate, and release great software.

We support a simple Jira Cloud integration, so you can easily export your retrospective cards and action items to a Jira project as issues.

The export process lets you choose:

  • Which project to export your cards to
  • The issue type on Jira

Here's an example of a Jira issue generated by EasyRetro:

EasyRetro action item exported to Jira

If you are into Atlassian products, you may also want to check our integrations with Confluence and Trello.

How to connect EasyRetro to Jira

Here we'll briefly cover the basic integration/export steps.

First, to connect your EasyRetro account with Jira, just head to the Integrations page:

EasyRetro Integration page

You may have to scroll down until the "Connect your account" button shows up, then just click on it and run through the authorization process!

Jira connection button on EasyRetro Integration page

Once your integration is set up, you'll be able to export your cards and action items by clicking on the three-dots menu button - right on the card's top-right corner, then clicking on the "Export to Jira" button.

Jira export on EasyRetro

A modal will show up, where you'll have to choose which project to export your card to, and, finally, the desired issue type:

Selection of Jira Project during export on EasyRetro Selection of Jira issue type during export on EasyRetro

After clicking on the "Export" button, you will be provided a link to visit the new issue created on Jira!

Video tutorial for the integration

Here's a tutorial in video format showing how to make Jira Integration.

What People Say About Us?

Neil avatar
Neil Co-founder,  PartnerStack
EasyRetro is a great way to host efficient, fun and effective sprint retros. We have been using it for years.
Piotr Nadarkiewicz avatar
Piotr Nadarkiewicz Scrum Master,  Iterators
Thank you for creating this application :-) Actually, it happens to be the first digital facilitation software I learned about on my Scrum Master path.
Will Bridges avatar
Will Bridges Engineering Manager,  Hotel Engine
Having used EasyRetro at 3 different positions now over the years I have to say it's effective, simple, and a great tool to make retro's easy to digest and keep the historical context of your ceremonies. It's a great addition for your ceremonies and the support team is there if you ever have any issue.
Luis Palomero avatar
Luis Palomero Data scientist,  Declarando
Your software is fantastic to run retrospectives even with no technical groups. Thank you!
Chriselle avatar
I first used EasyRetro on a previous project and it was the best tool I had come across. It is so easy to use and can be customized to the needs of the team. EasyRetro is the easiest way to run retrospectives with your team!
Januka W. avatar
Januka W. Product Owner,  BlackSwan Technologies
EasyRetro is an amazing tool to gather anonymous feedback from your audience/team. You can specify different columns for each feedback type, and allow users to both post feedback and vote for each other's feedback. No signup is required to provide feedback, and of course, it's Free.

Create a free retrospective for your team

Create Board - Call to Action image